Residential & Day School

Residential School Program

  • For students aged five to 22 who are displaying problematic behaviors (such as aggression, self-injurious behaviors, tantrums, non-compliance, property destruction, etc.).
  • Focuses on decreasing behaviors while increasing communication and teaching greater independence.
  • Offers Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and individualized behavioral intervention plans
  • Consistency across all environments - 24 hours a day.
  • Structured and personalized learning opportunities – year-round.
  • Students have their own bedrooms
  • Allows for participation in additional activities and opportunities such as music class, art, adapted physical education, community outings, educational field trips, and other activities.

Day-Only School Program

  • Seven-hour school day
  • Monday-Friday
  • Access to IEP team members
  • Access to the same academic opportunities as well as school-day activities like art, music, APE, and the vocational program.

Learn About the Admissions Process

Overall parent satistfaction rate.

Heartspring School